What To Expect

Coaching engagements can be customized according to your requirements, needs, and budget. We have three distinct programs which can be found here.

Although highly customizable, the coaching engagement will has 5 steps as shown below. We start with a no-obligation discovery or chemistry meeting to get to know each other and to gain clarity on your purpose of coaching. We then gather some form of ‘data’ - be it 360 feedback through stakeholder interviews or online questionnaires and a psychometric assessment. After the 'data' are ready, we have a debriefing session to identify your strengths and potential development areas, followed by a goal setting session to define 2-3 development goals for you to work on during the reminder of the coaching engagement.

An optional post-coaching feedback at the end of the coaching program is helpful to assess the progress you have made and where the focus of future development may need to shift to.  Other optional events include a goal alignment meeting, mid-term and final review meetings with your direct manager.

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